Where Are The Best Resources To Teach Yourself Calisthenics

Everybody learns; differently; some prefer reading, while others enjoy videos. Nonetheless, to teach yourself calisthenics, you must source information to educate yourself and eventually put the theory into practice. These are the best resources for finding information on calisthenics: 

How To Use Youtube To Learn Calisthenics

There are around 300,000 videos uploaded to youtube daily, a considerable amount of freely available content. You can find some great fitness vloggers and calisthenics professionals to help your calisthenics journey. Their expertise range from teaching beginners more about the activity to giving tutorials on complex exercises – no matter your skill level, you’ll be able to find the relevant video.


  • Visual demonstrations help understand and learn exercises quicker. 

  • You are almost always likely to find a video on the area of calisthenics you are interested in.

  • Videos on youtube are free to watch. This is especially great for beginners wanting to find out more about calisthenics.


  • Videos can be unengaging and bore the viewer. 

  • It can be challenging to ask further questions. If the YouTuber is popular, likely, they won’t reply to comments. 

  • There is no feedback from the YouTuber. As a result, you could have an incorrect technique and be none the wiser. 

How Your Friends and Family Can Help To Learn Calisthenics

No one will want to help you more than a friend or family member. Therefore, if you know a fitness enthusiast personally, it can be a great way to learn more about calisthenics. They’re likely to use their own experience and lessons to guide you, which can fast-track your progression.


  • You will be having two-way conversations allowing you to ask questions easily.

  •  It’s a more sociable way of exercising which can help with long-term motivation

  • Friends and families will understand your goals and targets a lot better if they have known you throughout your life. 


  • You may feel added pressure from them which could impact your relationship

  • While many will help out free of charge, some won’t. It’s up to you to decide if your money is better spent elsewhere.

  • You’re reliant on their advice being true. If you don’t know any better, you may be taking incorrect advice onboard.

How To Use Fitness Programs To Learn Calisthenics

A well-structured fitness program will contain all the necessary information in one convenient place. Each fitness program will specialize in a unique part of calisthenics; you can choose which is for you. Fitness programs will vary in the type of content they use; for example, it could be only articles, articles, and videos, only videos, or access to a group chat. Make sure to read what you’re signing up for before purchasing. 


  • Fitness programs are paid for, so they usually have a higher production value than the free content available. As a result, the detail is a lot more thorough, and you can learn a lot more.

  • You can download programs to your device. Therefore you can access it wherever you are and use it anytime. This suits individuals with busy calendars who can’t commit to a personal training session and need to exercise in their own time. 

  • Instead of searching for resources across the internet, a fitness program will have all relevant information in one place. This is a lot more convenient and allows you to focus on training rather than opening tabs, loading videos, or highlighting articles. 


  • Some fitness programs cost a lot more than they’re worth. While most individuals don’t have an issue paying for a fitness program, it’s disheartening when it’s unsatisfactory. 

  • While fitness courses are great at specializing in the wants and needs of customers, sometimes they become too limiting. For example, great content on exercise, but you need to buy another course on diet and nutrition advice.

  • Some fitness courses may contain too much content that searching through the program becomes overwhelming. 

How Gym Experts Can Help You Learn Calisthenics

If you train in a gym facility surrounded by other people training, someone is likely willing to help amongst the crowd. For example, gym owners, regular members, or personal trainers are all experts in the fitness industry and can be a great help to both beginners and individuals wanting to improve their current fitness level. 


  • Asking for help in the gym is a great way to make new friends and build new relationships. 

  • As they attend the same gym, they can help correct any imperfections and assist you instantly.

  • General chit-chat and brief demonstrations are usually free


  • Not always promised thorough advice. You’re reliant on them wanting to help you out, which may not always be the case. 

  • It isn’t guaranteed that a gym will be an expert in your training method; therefore, they may be inaccurate or unable to provide information. 

  • Sometimes gym experts give too much help and interrupt your workout during your training. This could become frustrating, especially if it happens frequently

How Books Can Be Used To Learn About Calisthenics

Biographies, autobiographies, training programs, or, fact-based books are all great sources to find information on calisthenics. While it may seem old-fashioned, books are increasing in popularity due to rising average screen time. Most books are equipped with detailed information and diagrams relating to the fitness area you’re looking at.


  • Books are typically more affordable than fitness courses or hiring personal trainers. 

  • The book’s blurb gives a free insight and provides the reader with a description of the book before purchasing. 

  • If you learn from the book, most authors will have more than one published. Therefore, you can read their library of books with the confidence that it’s informative


  • Depending on the book, some may be heavy, which can become offputting for individuals wanting to train light. 

  • Any damage on the book, such as water spillage, could ruin the whole content, meaning you must buy a new one.

  • Unlike online platforms, there won’t be new content added to the book once you purchase.

Do Fitness Social Media Influencers Help To Learn About Exercise

The rise of social media has reflected an increase in influencers. An influencer is an individual (usually backed by a team) who inspires decision-making. In the fitness industry, many influencers share insights into training programs, types of diets, or their journey. Following a fitness social media influencer can be an excellent tool for learning tips and tricks about any sport or activity, including calisthenics. 


  • Most major platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat, are free to use. Therefore, you can research and learn as much fitness content as you want.

  • It’s more personable and engaging because influencers are real people that you may feel connected too. 
  • Most social media platforms use media and text together, and this helps to understand and visualize any demonstrations better. 


  • Some influencers use photoshop to edit their bodies to become more aesthetically pleasing. Comparing yourself to their body can be demotivating – especially if they don’t look like that themselves. 

  • Each influencer has their own motivation for posting free content. For example, they may want to help others out genuinely; however, some influencers could be trying to sell you something. While there is nothing wrong with this, some influencers will alter their content and bend the truth to persuade you to purchase their product or service. 

  • Anybody can become an influencer: with no qualifications or experience, there is no guarantee that the information they give is true.
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