Using A.I. For A Workout Plan – Pros and Cons

Artificial Intelligence is a handy tool for beginner athletes; however, as soon as they gain sufficient experience, it’s essential they move away from A.I. and replace it with a personal trainer/ consultant. Here’s why…

A.I. provides instant and free exercise content.A.I. won’t tailor a workout according to a SMART goal
A.I. utilizes appropriate fitness terminologyExclusively using A.I. will cap your fitness knowledge
A.I. can mass-produce basic tutorial contentA.I. can’t consult your exercise technique or understand different situations
A.I. can’t motivate, correct or improve your fitness ability.
A table showing the pros and drawbacks of using Artificial intelligence for a workout plan.

What Are The Advantages Of Using A.I. For A Workout Plan

A.I. benefits athletes with no background in fitness. This is because plenty of human-generated content online goes into detail about fitness basics. So, A.I. can analyze and summarise a simple workout plan based on your prompt. The pros of this include: 

A.I. Information Is Quick And Free

Even the speediest writer won’t be able to construct a workout plan as fast as A.I. In addition, the majority of fitness instructors charge for making an exercise plan, whereas A.I. is primarily free – (ChatGBT 3.5 is free software, but ChatGBT 4 Plus is $20 p/m). 

The ability to instantly produce a workout plan without any commitments is a significant plus for beginners who want to experiment with training but aren’t willing to pay. 

A.I. Has A Broad Dictionary Of Vocabulary

Artifical knows every fitness terminology, phrase, and metaphor in our industry. This makes it a productive tool for beginners to get familiar with fitness language. For example:

  • It gives thorough definitions of keywords.
  • You can prompt endless samples of fitness-related exercises.
  • It answers well to response questions. For example, “What muscle group does bench-press target.”

This helps beginners not to feel like they’re jumping straight into the deep end; instead, they can get bullet-pointed answers for any initial questions they may have. 

A.I. Improves Existing Workout Programs

Organizations that supply fitness programs, tutorial videos, or diet plans use A.I. to complement their workout programs and make them more user-friendly. Some ways include:

  • Using A.I. to create subtitles on tutorial videos. 
  • Generating fitness-related stock images to break up a text.
  • Letting A.I. spell check their content.

A.I. is a great tool to give an edge over commercial fitness organizations, and many have already begun implementing it. However, using it to generate fresh content can result in a bland read/watch.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Using A.I. For A Workout Plan

As A.I. can’t experience or build an opinion, it can’t provide valuable advice to athletes on areas to improve. Skilled athletes won’t be able to progress beyond beginner level or expand their fitness knowledge as it re-words the same information differently – rather than thinking for itself.

A.I. Can’t Personalize SMART Goals

A SMART goal is specific, measurable, achievable, recorded, and timed. It’s essential to determine what you want to achieve from training. SMART goals are individual to you, so there aren’t enough resources for A.I. to create a valuable workout plan. As an example:

  • How to build muscle” is a generic goal that has lots of data online. Therefore A.I. can make an adequate workout plan.
  • How to increase pectoral muscle by 10% using weight training in 5 months” is personalized, so there isn’t this specific information available online. Therefore A.I. can’t make a workout plan.

On the other hand, a personal fitness coach can apply their wisdom and practice to create a workout plan that helps you achieve it, regardless of how individual it is to you. 

Hence, A.I. limits you from excelling at the intermediate-expert fitness level.

Exclusively Using A.I. Caps Fitness Knowledge

A.I. is excellent in its terminology; however, the information you extract from A.I. generated content is minimal. This is because it has no personal experiences it can add, so instead, it regurgitates common fitness information.

However, when personal instructors make a workout plan, they incorporate their own opinions and insight. Accordingly, this shared knowledge is what transitions a beginner to an intermediate athlete. It could include tips and tricks, technique adjustments, or controversial ideas. An A.I. will never be able to share them, as it’s reliant on pre-existing information.

You can learn so much from different personal trainers as they all have their own fitness journey. Particularly, it broadens your fitness industry knowledge, helping you become a better athlete. However, A.I. always gives repetitive information – which is mostly common sense anyway.

A.I. Can’t Consult A Training Plan

Artificial Intelligence won’t make a ‘you-specific‘ exercise plan; it’ll be generic for everyone. Therefore your likes, dislikes and current skill level aren’t accounted for when picking the best practices for your fitness journey.

For example, if you prompt an A.I. with your training method preferences, time available to exercise, and your dislikes, it won’t be able to provide a sufficient training plan.

However, when spending time with a personal trainer, they learn all about your hobbies, routine, and fitness goals to make a personalized workout program. Additionally, they incorporate exercises you need, not what you want – which is an A.I. will never be able to recommend it.

Moreover, an A.I. exercise plan has no progression levels or adaptations, so your fitness levels remain stationary. On the other hand, a personal trainer will recognize once you’ve outgrown your current workout plan and will make you a new and improved one to keep up with fitness advancement.

A.I. Has Limited Fitness Capabilities

A.I. may be able to write a basic workout program, however; it can’t:

  • Motivate you.
  • Correct your technique.
  • Build a relationship with.

These 3 elements are equally essential as the workout program; here’s why:

Artificial intelligence can’t come to the gym to encourage you to exercise, and it certainly won’t push you during difficult times. However, knowing you’re committed to seeing a personal trainer is enough to get you to the gym, even when you don’t want to. Furthermore, they use words of inspiration to push you further than your mind tells you – improving physical health.

Correcting Technique:
A.I. can tell you what to do, but it won’t say if you’re doing it right. This is dangerous if you use the wrong form, as it strains your body. However, personal trainers are qualified to teach exercise safely and will be present to stop you if your approach is wrong.

A.I. Has No Emotions:
Many individuals work out for the social element. For example, lots of beginners become good friends with their trainers by general chit-chat and showing interest in one another’s life. However, put simply, you can’t become friends with artificial intelligence – it has no interest in your hobbies, relationships, or opinions.

Our Opinion On Using A.I. For A Workout Plan

We don’t recommend using A.I. for a personal workout plan; however, it is a great business tool for content creators wanting to improve the quality of their writing.

Despite its advantages, A.I. can’t provide personal experience or insights which is a crucial element to exercise. Furthermore, the lack of creativity from A.I. can demotivate beginners who get painted the wrong picture of what exercise truly is.

However, using A.I. commercially can be beneficial. As mentioned, the ability to mass-produce stock photos helps content creators focus on sharing their experiences rather than the page’s aesthetics. As a result, authors save time, plus readers benefit from a better quality of writing.

Moreover, a significant consideration is how far A.I. will develop in the future. It’s still new technology, so anything can change. But, for now, it’s best to find a fitness instructor if you want to learn more about the industry!

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