The Real Reason Calisthenics Was Less-Known

Calisthenics has never been in the public eye – it was known as a street workout performed by underground athletes.

The fact it was associated with a street workout meant many didn’t regard calisthenics to be a sport but a training method to complement another activity. Thus a lot of people rejected learning more about it! To an extent, calisthenics is only a training method; however, with the rise of influencers, bar parks, and a calisthenics community, it has turned into a lot more…

People associate calisthenics with street workouts, including activities like stunt scootering, BMX’ing, or parkour. For example:

  • Most athletes are self-taught through online videos, practice, and asking around.
  • There is a public gym that anyone can attend.
  • There is a friendly community.

Everyone knows about the basic exercises; however, not everyone knows they’re calisthenic movements. Most have never heard of calisthenics or even considered the fact there are training methods dedicated to bodyweight exercises. This makes it very discrete.

What Is The Future Of Calisthenics

Calisthenics has transformed from a training method to an activity individuals spend their free time on. This transition will continue and become more established in the fitness industry. We believe the skill level for calisthenics will rise further than it has ever been, so the gap between a beginner and a professional will grow.

To join the movement, it doesn’t just have to be bodyweight exercises to participate. There will also be a lot more of:

  • Showing friends statics and holds.
  • Friendly competition with training partners.
  • Watching videos posted online
  • Appreciating the art of each movement and routine.

However you interact with the sport, we are moving towards an acceptance of having calisthenics as a hobby and a passion – rather than a training method.

Calisthenics isn’t a mainstream form of exercise as there isn’t an Olympic sport allocated to it. This is because there isn’t a pointing score to determine the outcome. So for the future, it is unlikely it will become an Olympic sport; however, it should have its own foundations set firmly in the world of sport and activity.

Check out this Reddit Discussion on why they feel Calisthenics will never be a part of the Olympics

Was Calisthenics Better When It Was Understated

Some athletes argue calisthenics should as remain an unknown street workout. The primary census is having a substantial number of beginners disturb the veteran’s workout and community. This could be beginners being unaware of the ‘unofficial rules of calisthenics,’ making gym parks busy, or lying to impress experts.

As an example, traditional calisthenics athletes can get annoyed with individuals mixing bodyweight and weight lifting and claim they don’t lift weights. Incorporating multiple training methods is totally normal, and nobody gets annoyed – only when people don’t admit they lift weights do some athletes get bothered.

To understand, it’s like a weight lifter saying they are natural, but they take steroids behind closed doors. This has become common with the increased popularity of calisthenics due to greater competition. As a result, more people are willing to lie to overcome this and get a technical advantage.

Another point is athletes having to wait longer for equipment. Calisthenics public gyms were almost always empty when it was discrete. However, the gyms are slowly becoming busier – resulting in you expecting to wait for equipment. As a result, athletes who were there at the start have become frustrated and territorial over the public gyms. It was previously unheard of to wait for equipment.

Despite this, remember they’re only opinions; only few agree with them. In reality, the calisthenics community is friendly and loves helping beginners. If you were thinking of starting calisthenics, you shouldn’t let this stop you.

How Greater Calisthenic Engagement Has Benefited The Community

We love the fact more people are enthusiastic about calisthenics. It results in creative statics, holds, and challenges being introduced that wouldn’t have been considered previouslyadding a new dynamic to the activity, keeping it interesting. Moreover, with increasing popularity, relationships, and friendships are being built through calisthenics – something that used to be challenging.

Other reasons why a more popular calisthenics community is better include:

  • Private gyms recognize this and implement calisthenics equipment.
  • More research into the health benefits of training calisthenics.
  • A new variety of tricks and statics.
  • A higher chance of making friends, the common interest in calisthenics can be a great conversation starter.
  • Allowed many individuals to base a business around calisthenics

Generally, veterans are excited at the idea of calisthenics getting the recognition it deserves.

We enjoy helping beginners learn new tricks and statics. Seeing more people engage with our content excites us as it shows us more individuals are willing to try calisthenics! Check out the good vibes of a busy calisthenics park below:

Is It Too Late To Start Calisthenics?

Simply put, no, calisthenics had been around for centuries, so there is no right or wrong time to participate as it is here to stay. You shouldn’t want to start training calisthenics when it is the most or least popular, but begin once you feel ready. If you have ever done a bodyweight exercise, you have done a calisthenics movement, so you may have already started your journey and never knew about it!

The increased popularity has put some individuals off the idea of starting their journey as they feel left behind or too much of a beginner.

On the other hand, some people don’t want to begin as they feel it won’t be trendy by the time they become skilled at it.

Remember, neither of these are true! There will always be someone that starts before and after you – if you want to begin, START!

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