Should Athletes Have Girlfriends

No matter how seriously you take your sport – be it American football, running track, or any college sport – you’re at risk. Risk of finding a beautiful girl. Some athletes find it easy to juggle both, but many aren’t sure what’s the best decision to make.

Before you read further, understand there won’t necessarily be a ‘right‘ or ‘wrong‘ choice. It’s all about making the most of the position you’re in. But, to help answer, should athletes have girlfriends:

It’s only wise for an athlete to have a girlfriend when it can be healthily balanced with their sport. In this case, a girlfriend is an excellent way to support an athlete’s lifestyle – which could even improve their performance! However, it’s worth re-evaluating priorities if the relationship takes them too far away from their sport.

Every relationship is different – which is why you must reflect on your own circumstances. To get clarity within yourself, begin questioning your situation. A few good starting points are:

  • How serious in the relationship are you?
  • Do you want to pursue your sport as a career, or is it a hobby?
  • Does your girlfriend inhibit or improve physical performance?
  • How do you two cope with long-distance relationships?

When you have confidently reflected on your own affairs, it’s sensible to start making decisions. Below, we aim to guide you on whether you should prioritize sports/ your girlfriend, balance them equally, or even stop dating/ playing sports.

Benefits Of Athletes Having A Girlfriend

Let’s start with the good. 

Having a girlfriend, you may find the benefits of a relationship outside of sport helps inside your game. For example:

Have you watched the Rock franchise? As soon as he wins, he screams his girlfriend’s name, Adrian. Why? Because she encouraged him to train, work hard, and support his journey. Having your girlfriend by your side does something to you that no amount of training can equal. It’s a healthy pressure to do them proud.

Balancing Life
Athletes spend much of their time on the field, track, or court talking about performance and results. Without a healthy balance, this can get repetitive and eventually dull. A girlfriend can help athletes temporarily escape this by introducing new experiences, a different social element, and releasing a burst of ‘feel good ‘ endorphins.

An athlete’s career isn’t long – most peak at 25 years old. And there are fundamental life lessons that your sport won’t teach you, for example, characteristics of a healthy relationship. Having a girlfriend helps develop qualities outside of fitness that better prepare you for life after your athletic career. 

Emotional Support
Athletes can walk out of the changing rooms two different people depending if they win or lose. While the highs are incredible, the lows can play on your mind. Having a girlfriend is a great way to battle negative thoughts, as a simple conversation can relieve stress and improve mood – helping to get your head back in the game.

Don’t just take our advice; one 2016 study highlights that participants believe they train a lot more and have better athletic performance while being in love. To quote and repeat:

“It helps to know that my wife and son are in the crowd. I do better because I want my son to be proud of his father;”

Drawback Of Athletes Having A Girlfriend

Unfortunately, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are scenarios where a girlfriend can harm an athlete’s career. Not everyone experiences these, but they are very common and worth noting.

Time Management
Athletes have a busy schedule – training, games, studying, and traveling – so time management is essential. When athletes don’t set their priorities, they can spend too much time with their girlfriend and slowly fall behind in their sport. So, before getting into a relationship, it’s imperative for you both to understand there will be periods where you’re not together for a long chunk of time.

Other Female Attention
Be fans, teammates, or cheerleaders, an athlete’s lifestyle includes many interactions with other women. Sounds great if you’re single! But not so much if you are in a relationship. If there are underlying trust issues or insecurities within the relationship, this can lead to feelings of jealousy, which could develop into arguments. Something you don’t want on your mind before a big game…

Media Attention
Sporting journalists are quick to jump onto upcoming athletes, and as soon as readers pick this up, they become interested in their personal lives. Let’s say you prefer having a relationship in private; it can get exhausting hiding it from the public. This alone can build tension in the relationship and make it more stressful than joyous.

Cash Strains
Everyone loves a cozy night in – but it becomes a drag if it’s all you do with your girlfriend. There becomes a point where you start going out for food, experiencing new ventures, and traveling. These all cost money. While pro athletes won’t be affected as much, upcoming ones may feel financial pressure – especially if they already pay for textbooks, living expenses, and memberships.

Is It Hard For Athletes To Date

You’ve asked your mates, you’ve asked your family, and you’ve asked your teammates. We’re sure everyone would have given different advice on whether you should date a girl, being an athlete. We want to help simplify it for you.

To answer if it’s “difficult” for an athlete to date:

The success of an athlete’s relationship is dependent on both parties and the boundaries set. When done appropriately, an athlete’s dating life can seamlessly fit into their schedule. In this case, having more variety helps balance their lifestyle better. If not, problems can arise, which can be emotionally impactful and detrimental to an athlete’s career.

Many strict coaches in the high league advise against it. They aren’t unfair; they just assume the worst. The wrong girl could ruin an athlete’s future, but the right one could make it. Coaches prefer to play it safe by adopting the former.

With the right girl, it’s as easy as sliding a glove on a hand; with the wrong girl, it’s as tricky as juggling four balls at once.

For example:

  • If your girlfriend supports you, understands your time commitments, and encourages your athletic career, it won’t be hard for you two to start dating. In fact, it’s more than likely, to blossom into something beautiful.

  • If your relationship consists mainly of arguing, attachment issues, or unhealthy activities, it becomes much more difficult to date.

Should Athletes Prioritize Their Sport Or Love

Such a question is so niche to your personal circumstances. The reason most athletes consider this is when they have one of three thoughts:

  • What if your relationship doesn’t work out, and you fall behind on following your passion?
  • What if you become a rich, famous, and successful athlete but have nobody to share with
  • What if you want both, but don’t have the time to balance them equally?

You should first recognize that these thoughts are justified and very common. While you may feel overwhelmed in your decision-making, it’s comforting knowing you aren’t alone.

Ultimately, it depends on your passion for the sport versus the love for your partner. If you know your relationship isn’t going anywhere, prioritize your sport. But, if you’re deeply in love, and training is more of a hobby, cut down your practice. Each athlete has a different priority based on their ideal future.

It’s worth asking yourself why you do the sport you do. Is it for the money and high life? If so, you will find more happiness prioritizing love and finding the money elsewhere. Or do you train for the enjoyment of your sport? If so, prioritizing your career could be the best move.

For better guidance, practice some of these exercises:

  • Ask people (who are aware of your situation) for their advice.
  • Be open with your girlfriend and explain your predicament.
  • Play both scenarios out in your head, and think how you feel about each one being a reality.

Remember, there isn’t any universal correct answer. Trust your instinct and be confident with your decision-making.

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