Is A Home Bouldering Wall A Good Idea

For many individuals, installing a home bouldering wall is a great idea to decorate an empty room, allow for extra practice, or boost beginner confidence. Many reasons can persuade individuals to get one, though you must consider the downsides before committing to one. For example, safety, risk of injury, and cost

In this article, we provide several thoughts to take into consideration before concluding whether or not a home bouldering wall is a good idea for you. 

What Is A Home Bouldering Wall

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A bouldering wall is an additional wall attached to an existing structure (e.g. a garage) that is stable enough to sustain your total body weight. Bouldering walls will have bolt holes to screw in artificial rocks, so you can ascend and descend the length of the wall. 

Whether you’re bouldering-crazy or have just started your first climbing sessions, you may be thinking about installing your own home bouldering wall.

Don’t jump into the decisions too quickly, as there are many considerations before concluding the best choice. 

Where To Buy A Home Climbing Wall

As with almost everything, you can find a home bouldering wall on the internet. There are various websites you can find them, and depending on where you’re based, you either get it delivered to your doorstep or purchase it in-store. Furthermore, they can also be located in climbing-specialized stores

When purchasing a home bouldering wall, ensure to read the description, especially the dimensions. This will tell you important details such as the gradient, height, width, and thickness – all of which help determine if it will fit on the structure. 

Other considerations when purchasing a home bouldering wall include: 

  • Does it come with installation tools? Will you have to source them separately?
  • How easy is installation? Can you DIY, or will you have to hire an expert, adding to the total cost?
  • Does it come with rocks? Some walls won’t – you will have to purchase them separately and install them onto the wall.

Different sellers include their own add-ons with a home bouldering wall, so it is vital to shop around before settling on one – for example, one seller may include tools, whereas another won’t. 

How Much Does A Home Bouldering Wall Cost

A home bouldering wall can cost anywhere between $100 and $60,000 as there are so many determining factors influencing price. These include the size, wood quality, thickness, and installation costs. However, our own research suggests a standard recreational home climbing wall will average a cost of $2,900 (excluding rocks) from retail.

One major factor is whether you decide to purchase off-the-shelf (from a retail store) or build a home bouldering wall yourself. When buying from a retail store, the cost will include raw materials, labor, and markup, so it’s commercially viable for them to sell. However, if you DIY, you lose the cost of labor and the markup, making it much cheaper to install. In fact, all you have to buy are raw materials and the tools (which you may already have). With the money you save, you could use higher-quality wood or make the structure taller (if possible).

Another consideration is the installation costs. Generally, off-the-shelf home bouldering walls will have detailed instructions which make it relatively easy. While you may need an extra hand, most customers can install it themselves. This is because they are manufactured to satisfy numerous customers, so the fitting is generic and simple. However, if you get a one-of-one bouldering wall to fit your structure perfectly, you may need help installing the climbing wall. It won’t cost an extortionary amount, but it is an area to reflect if you are on a strict budget. 

The climbing wall itself will be an additional consideration for price. Gradient, dimensions, and build quality will all impact the cost. For example, some climbers want their wall outdoors, therefore, requiring wood that can withstand certain weather conditions. Moreover, the larger the climbing wall is, the more expensive it becomes due to the extra materials used.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Home Climbing Wall

So what’s better? Going to a climbing gym or installing a home bouldering wall. Well, there is no clear-cut answer, and the best option for you all depends on the circumstances. For example, one climber may have a spare room to install a climbing wall, but another might not. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of a home climbing wall over a climbing gym.

Why A Home Bouldering Wall Can Be Better Than A Climbing Gym

  1. A home bouldering wall is more convenient than a climbing gym. The transport, membership cost, and wait times are virtually non-existent. Individuals can wake up, walk to their bouldering wall and start climbing instantly. Without a second thought, if they want to climb, they can. 

  2. Beginners who lack confidence or climbers who prefer privacy will appreciate the exclusivity of a home-bouldering wall. The only individuals you will come across are those living in your house! This is great when you don’t watch other climbers watching you or prefer climbing alone.

  3. Bouldering walls can also be used as decoration, even so functional. With the right aesthetic, a bouldering wall can bring a room to life – and a place you can climb! Obviously, it depends on your interior home taste, but it could be a great addition to a home.

  4. A benefit of a home bouldering wall is you own it. Therefore, you can decide who can it and who can’t. You could invite friends. around and climb collectively or practice by yourself – the flexibility is much more than a climbing gym. 

  5. Unlike climbing gyms, you aren’t reliant on route setters determining your climb. Rather, you can set it yourself. This means you can tailor the climb toward your ability, height, and strength. 

Why A Climbing Gym Can Be Better Than A Home Bouldering Wall.

  1. Climbing gyms will almost always have taller walls and more challenging climbs than a home bouldering wall (though there can be exceptions). This is because a climbing gym is built solely to entertain climbers, but a home isn’t. As a result, the climbs may be more enjoyable and health-rewarding at a climbing gym.

  2. Climbing gyms can be a great place to meet like-minded individuals who are as eager to climb as you are. The mix of people gives the opportunity to make friends, something that a home climbing gym restricts.

  3. Climbing gyms have the necessary health-and-safety precautions to try their best to prevent accidents. Unlike a home bouldering wall (which is likely to be installed by the customer), gyms take months to plan the safety, construction, and logistics. As a result, climbing gyms tend to be safer than a home bouldering wall (though there can be exceptions).

  4. Many climbers prefer the change of scenery and making an effort to go out to a climbing gym, instead of staying at home. Getting in the right mindset is imperative before a climb, and some climbers won’t be able to do so in their own homes. Instead, the journey and new surroundings help to settle individuals in the right frame of mind. 

  5. Due to size, space, and fitting, home bouldering walls have limited routes compared to climbing gyms.

Who Uses Bouldering Walls

Next, is a bouldering wall for you? Before you commit to building or buying, you should consider if it’s the right thing for you. A range of people enjoy using a bouldering wall, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a climber. For example:

Beginner climbers:
A home bouldering wall gives beginners a place to work on basic techniques. Having your own space enables beginner climbers to have full flexibility to practice. Beginner climbers may feel embarrassed to start at a gym as they feel other climbers are watching them; using your own bouldering helps build confidence before going to a climbing gym. 

If you ensure safety, it’s a great toy that encourages exercise, skill, and stamina. 

Climbing enthusiasts. 
Some enthusiasts have their homes modeled around climbing, so a bouldering fits nicely. As well as fitting the environment, bouldering walls have that practical element which is why they are more desirable than a poster or sculpture.

Home decorators:
A climbing wall can be used as decoration with no practicality. For example, it may have an impossible route or incredibly small grips, but brings the room to life! Additionally, these climbing walls are a lot cheaper because they aren’t built from materials that must withstand human weight. 

Hands-on individuals wanting to build a new project.:
A home bouldering wall is a great project for anyone into DIY, especially carpentry. Individuals may not necessarily have a passion for climbing, but if you love making ‘things,’ a bouldering wall is a great project! 

Are Home Bouldering Walls Safe

Bouldering walls are safe; however, there are determining factors that will impact the safety of the wall. The installation, use of personal protective equipment, and the structure the wall is placed on must be assessed before using a home bouldering wall – if not considered thoroughly, it becomes a danger. 

  • If you don’t correctly install the bouldering wall, it can easily collapse. This may result in further problems, such as the structure it’s attached to ripping or the climber getting crushed. While these sound catastrophic, if you ensure installation has been done correctly (the screws, geometry, glue, etc.), you help prevent anything like this from happening.  

  • Making sure the structure you place the wall on can withhold both the climbing wall and your weight is equally imperative. If a delicate wall can’t handle the weight,itl will fall, or worse, the structure collapses. A strong, thick wall is always preferred in this situation.

  • Another consideration includes the use of personal protective equipment. Climbing gyms ensure they have the correct safety equipment for climbers, so you should do the same. As well as the climbing wall, invest in a crash mat, gloves, climbing shoes, chalk, etc. As it is a bouldering wall (instead of rock climbing), a harness, belay, rope, etc is mostly unnecessary.

What Are The Different Types Of Bouldering Walls

Bouldering walls come in all sorts of designs to suit the wants and needs of the individual buying them. There are different walls to suit a variety of structures, climbers, and sizes. There are three main bouldering walls: 

  • Climbing walls (outdoor and indoor)
  • Climbing panels 
  • Climbing posters

Firstly, the climbing wall is most common for rock climbing and bouldering enthusiast and individuals who climb as a hobby. These walls are built for practice and practicality instead of decoration or aesthetic. Thus, they can withstand significant weight and require thorough installation.  As a result, they are the most expensive because they use lots of material and are larger than the other types of climbing walls. You can build or buy your own climbing wall however, making it yourself will always be cheaper. 

A climbing panel is a great way to enjoy the benefits of climbing without significant installation or cost. A climbing panel is a flat piece of wood attaching directly to the wall without any changes in gradient. These walls are ideal for casual climbers, decorations, or children. While they can withstand human weight, they provide less workout intensity than a climbing wall, as routes are much more straightforward. This may restrict your skill and technique development. 

Thirdly, climbing posters are there for decoration and have no practicality or resilience to hold human weight. These are used purely for decoration purposes, therefore, needing little effort to install. The climbing posters tend to be the least expensive as they hold minimal structural integrity and are usually small. Nevertheless, premium climbing posters are made from exotic materials, which can inflate prices! 

Should You Build Or Purchase Your Own Climbing Wall

The last point we thought to mention is whether it is better to buy an ‘off-the-shelf- climbing wall or to build one. Both have advantages and disadvantages; nonetheless, personal circumstances will dictate the best option. 

Why Buying A Climbing Wall Is Better Than Making One

  1. Purchasing online or through a retail store will be less time-consuming and effort than making your own climbing wall. The greater convenience draws people towards buying one. 

  2. Established sellers will have a degree of expertise in climbing. Therefore, trust each wall is made with safety, durability, and consumer enjoyment in mind. Having a professional make one is more settling than giving it a go in your back garden!

  3. Climbing walls will come with help and support from the supplier. For example, installation should have an instruction manual to guide you through the process. You may also be able to find online videos and blogs about the product. 

  4. If the product is faulty, you can return it and have your money reimbursed from where you bought it. This isn’t possible if you make your own climbing wall, and it can be frustrating if you had spent a lot of money and time.

Why Making A Climbing Wall Is Better Than Buying One

  1. A DIY climbing wall will always be less expensive than an off-the-shelf wall. The labor, materials, transport, and profit margins are all incorporated into the cost of buying a wall. When you make your own, all you have to purchase are materials hence reducing cost. 

  2. Companies manufacture climbing walls for the masses; therefore, it’s unlikely to find a product with the precise measurements you want. By building your own climbing wall, you have full flexibility to change the dimensions accordingly. 

  3. Building your own climbing wall is a challenge in which you learn various new skills. As a result, it can become quite self-rewarding once you’ve finished the project.  

  4. Building a climbing wall is a great way to make use of idol materials instead of throwing them away. 


Overall, we believe that a home bouldering wall is a great idea, given thorough research is undertaken beforehand. While there are risks involved with the wall, they can be minimized and prevented through numerous methods. A variety of individuals can use them, not just climbers, and they have the potential to bring a new environment to a room.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bouldering Walls

do you need a tall wall to have a home bouldering wall?

No, Individuals often reject the idea of a climbing wall as they think they don’t have a wall tall enough. The trick is to ensure the first rock your hands grab is low to the floor; this often means you will crouch to the ground as your starting position.

 A test you can do is crouch down next to your wall and look up at the ceiling – this will make the wall seem a lot taller than if you stood next to it. 

Does The gradient of the wall have to equal the gradient of the home bouldering wall?

No, it’s whatever slope you desire – this could be steeper, gentler, or have a changing gradient. You may want a shallow gradient, and then it slowly gets more vertical into an overhang! However, once you choose the slope, it is tough to alter; it will require a re-installment which can be time-consuming, and costly.

Can You Change Rocks On A home Bouldering Wall?

Consider the number of routes you want to apply to your home bouldering wall. You can pick a single path where you place rocks permanently against the wall. In comparison, you can use temporary rocks and drill extra bolt holes into the wall to alter routes as your content.

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