Do Women Like Bodybuilders

Bodybuilders shouldn’t train for female attention; however, it’s nice to know if the work you put in makes you more of a catch with the ladies…

Women universally find men with good health and muscular physiques handsome. But how much muscle? While everyone finds different body types charming, the majority of women say they aren’t attracted to bodybuilders and prefer an athletic build on guys (high muscle definition, broad shoulders, and a thin waist).

While research indicates this, the reality is very different. Body type is one element of beauty, and there are infinite other reasons why some women love the site of a bodybuilder. Below, we explain!

Why Bodybuilding Is A Turn Off For Some Women

We have read opinions and heard views on why some women don’t find bodybuilding attractive.

We can summarize it as women find muscles attractive but too much overwhelming. It may be unappealing, worrying or annoying for different women, but the main point is they don’t want a humongous partner to lay next to.

The most common are:

  • Some women find it intimidating and scary to be approached by a bodybuilder.
    You can’t deny huge muscles, tall stances, and thick necks aren’t frightening in certain situations! Imagine walking through a dark alley and being approached by a bolo bodybuilder! Women want to cuddle and need a bit of soft, fat to hug – not to think their partner is big enough to break them in half!

  • Some women think bodybuilding gives men an unnatural body.
    For example, gigantic shoulders balancing on a tiny waist can look out of proportion when done to the extreme. While men like the idea of perky breasts and a pinched waist – it doesn’t translate well across the sexes. It’s best to keep your body symmetrical without going too far with muscle size.

  • Some women don’t like the bodybuilder-tan.
    The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of a bodybuilder is their monstrous muscles, but second thought is their orange skin! The look and smell of fake tan puts some women off the idea of ever dating a bodybuilder. Women find a short-term, holiday tan appealing, but a permanent, dark, smelly fake tan is a little too much.

  • Women aren’t attracted to a bodybuilding obsession.
    Commitment? Yes. But don’t be obsessed with muscle size and appearance. The constant flexing and looking in the mirror can make some women creeped out and bored. Stay healthy, shower often, and smell good – but don’t be consumed by it.

Why Some Women Love Bodybuilders

As many reasons why women don’t want a bodybuilder, there are other reasons why women love them.

Apart from the physical attraction, there are numerous psychological impacts bodybuilders have on women. For example, women love the idea of their man working hard and being practically capable – which directly reflects the traits of a bodybuilder.

Going into more detail, here are more opinions:

  • Women feel safe and protected with bodybuilders.
    One point mentioned above is that bodybuilders look intimidating. But, while some girls feel intimidated by them, others feel secure with them by their side. The thought of a man being a shield in public but a big, friendly giant in private is a significant pull factor for women.

  • Some women have a fetish for bodybuilders.
    Size doesn’t matter, right? Well, for some women, the bigger, the better. There are women with an unexplainable, natural turn-on for bodybuilders. The trigger differs between women; for some, it’s when their hands can’t reach around their partner’s bicep or the way their partner looks in a muscle-fit t-shirt.

  • Some women see bodybuilding as a tangible indicator of health.
    Humans are put on this earth to reproduce, and we’re wired to find health attractive, for example, clear skin, straight posture, or muscles. Women who see bodybuilding as a healthy activity will also find the competitors attractive and, therefore, gravitate towards a bigger-looking bloke.

  • Women use bodybuilding as an indicator of men’s work rate.
    Bodybuilding requires years of dedication, discipline, and hard work. These are all characteristics women seek in a long-term relationship. So, when they see a bodybuilder, they know he ticks these boxes. Nonetheless, there are countless ways to show these personality traits – bodybuilding is just a great example.

Do Women Prefer Bodybuilders Or Athletes

Surveys suggest women find athletes’ body types to be the most attractive as they prefer their partner well-toned with high muscle definition. They explain they prefer it much more to bodybuilders, which they see as too unnatural and intimidating.

Think Bradd Pitt in Fight Club, or Peter Andre in Mysterious Girl. While they both have a six-pack, broad shoulders, and thick arms, it isn’t ‘too much‘ for women.

More importantly, though, their opinions shouldn’t impact the way you want to look. Training to please other people is self-destructive because you never end up feeling satisfied.

Most girls find a partner that match themselves. So, if you want to pursue bodybuilding, it’s likely your partner is also passionate about the sport! Don’t change for the sake of women’s validity because you’ll likely attract women with dissimilar interests.

But remember, the body type is a single point on a spectrum of what women look for. Even though an athlete may have an ideal body type, if they cheat, lie, or steal, it will disinterest women.

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