Is Bouldering Good For Strength

Is Bouldering Good For Strength

Yes, bouldering makes you functionally strong. Put simply, the constant battle between gravity and lifting your bodyweight towards rocks puts enough tension onto your muscles (mostly the upper body and core) that they tear and repair, and grow bigger and stronger. Don’t believe us? Try a bouldering session. You’ll begin to realize the battle you…

Shorts Or Joggers – What’s Best For Exercise

Shorts Or Joggers – What’s Best For Exercise

The answer to this has so many dependables – the type of exercise, the weather, cost, or breathability. But, one consideration trumps them all: personal preference. Exercise shouldn’t be a fashion show; however, wearing what you feel comfortable in (in terms of both physical and confidence) is the most impactful decision if you should wear…

Will A Pull-Up Bar Damage Your Doorframe

Will A Pull-Up Bar Damage Your Doorframe

The recent craze of doorframe pull-up bars has left many homeowners and tenants worried about the potential damage they cause. Yes, regardless of the mitigation techniques implemented, a pull-up bar always damages a doorframe when used over a long duration of time. However, the extent to which wear and tear shows (as well as possibly…

Using A.I. For A Workout Plan – Pros and Cons

Using A.I. For A Workout Plan – Pros and Cons

Artificial Intelligence is a handy tool for beginner athletes; however, as soon as they gain sufficient experience, it’s essential they move away from A.I. and replace it with a personal trainer/ consultant. Here’s why… Advantages Disadvantages A.I. provides instant and free exercise content. A.I. won’t tailor a workout according to a SMART goal A.I. utilizes…

Ring Or Bar Muscle-Up – Which Is Harder

Ring Or Bar Muscle-Up – Which Is Harder

The bar muscle-up has more muscle demand than a ring muscle-up, but the technique is less complicated. Whichever you find harder depends on your current strength levels and experience. So, despite needing adversity to perfect both, the more challenging one differs from person to person. Muscle-Up Requirement Is A Bar Or The Rings More Difficult…

Is It Safe To Train Drunk – The Harsh Truth

Is It Safe To Train Drunk – The Harsh Truth

We don’t recommend exercising while drunk; the cognitive change alcohol has makes individuals overestimate their ability, which is made dangerous by their slower reaction time (as it’s a depressant) to rectify any mistakes. Downsides To Being Drunk While Exercising Alcohol immediately affects your brain chemistry and hormones, which poses a danger to you and everybody…

When Is The Best Time To Exercise

When Is The Best Time To Exercise

Studies (Frontiers Media) highlight the best time to exercise is morning (around 8 a.m.) before breakfast; it burns through 20% more fat stores and stimulates endorphins (endocannabinoids and dompanie) that slowly release to set your mood positively for the rest of the day. This is optimal for individuals who: Research suggests it’s determined by a…

Outdoor Versus Indoor Gyms – Which Is Better

Outdoor Versus Indoor Gyms – Which Is Better

Indoor gyms suit people with long-term fitness goals; they hold a wide range of equipment, enabling athletes of all experiences to progress gradually. However, outdoor gyms have limited machinery, so they suit individuals who exercise infrequently and aren’t driven by results or seeing progression in fitness levels.  To determine which best suits you, consider why…

Do You Burn More Calories Climbing Indoors Or Outdoors?

Do You Burn More Calories Climbing Indoors Or Outdoors?

Climbing indoors or outdoors will contribute to the number of calories you burn. It’s worth considering if you’re health-conscious, a climbing enthusiast, or just curious! On average, climbers burn more calories climbing indoors (compared to outdoors) due to the greater variety of climbs and equipment available. Roughly 22% more calories burn per hour when climbing…