Can You Film In The Gym – The Brutal Truth

Can You Film In The Gym – The Brutal Truth

I run a fitness blog and YouTube channel. And while writing is hassle-free, getting my camera, tripod and microphone out in the middle of the gym does come with its problems. Fortunately, I’ve experienced all the implications, and here’s what I’ve learned. In general, all gyms are okay with you filming in their facilities as…

Ring Pull Ups Versus Bar Pull Ups – The Ultimate Showdown

Ring Pull Ups Versus Bar Pull Ups – The Ultimate Showdown

The ring and bar pull-up are both a staple in many athletes’ workouts. But because they seem so similar, many beginners wonder what’s the benefit of doing one type over the other, and others are concerned they’re wasting their time doing the wrong one. The subtle variations between the two have a considerable impact on…

Lat-Pull-Down Versus Pull-Ups… The Ultimate Showdown

Lat-Pull-Down Versus Pull-Ups… The Ultimate Showdown

Lat-pull-downs and pull-ups have constantly been compared and contrasted to conclude which is the better workout. Yet, there is no distinct answer. Now, this isn’t from a lack of investigation; instead, it’s because each exercise is better suited for different fitness goals. They are as good as each other, in their own environment. While they…

Do You Lose Gains Switching To Calisthenics

Do You Lose Gains Switching To Calisthenics

The switch from weight lifting to calisthenics can worry gym-goers. Especially those who have spent years training and can’t bear for their muscle gains go to waste. But, should this be an actual concern? Or, is it just more gym-bro science… Muscle hypertrophy is harder to reach in calisthenics than weight training; but, this doesn’t…

Bodybuilding Versus Calisthenics Physique – The Ultimate Showdown

Bodybuilding Versus Calisthenics Physique – The Ultimate Showdown

Since we remember, and believe us that was a long time ago, fitness enthusiasts have been comparing calisthenics physiques with bodybuilders. There are hundreds of characteristics separating the two, the most significant being bodybuilders have considerably more muscle mass than a calisthenics physique. Thus, you can tell the two apart by the thickness of their…

Can Bodybuilders Do Pull-Ups – Truths And Myths

Can Bodybuilders Do Pull-Ups – Truths And Myths

After spending years in the fitness industry, we’ve seen many bodybuilders use a pull-up bar to test their relative strength. Truth be told, how well they do depends on their training habits and size. The majority of bodybuilders will be able to do pull-ups. In fact, some incorporate them into a weekly training program and…

Does The Heavy Bag Help Lose Weight

Does The Heavy Bag Help Lose Weight

The heavy bag isn’t just for boxers. It’s used by all athletes and is especially good for anyone hoping to trim their waist. In fact, it’s better than ‘good.’ When used appropriately, it exponentially accelerates your weight loss journey. Here’s how: Due to the explosive power and driving force used to strike a punching/ heavy…