What Happens If You Only Trained Calisthenics

What Happens If You Only Trained Calisthenics

For the most part, consistently exercising in one arena you enjoy will bring various health benefits that benefit your long-term well-being.  By only training calisthenics, the nature of each exercise allows exceptional muscle development and improves relative strength. Moreover, the high intensity of calisthenics means lots of calories are burnt throughout the session, reducing the…

Why Calisthenics Can Make You Lightheaded

Why Calisthenics Can Make You Lightheaded

There are several calisthenic-specific reasons why you get lightheaded training body weight exercises and not other forms of exercise, including:  It’s especially common for beginners to experience a dizzy sensation post-workout because of their lack of experience. After reading this article, you should feel more knowledgeable and aware of why you feel dizzy and how…

Does Calisthenics Get You Ripped

Does Calisthenics Get You Ripped

Calisthenic guys and girls are ripped because bodyweight exercises require a significant amount of energy, which burns lots of calories. As a result, your body fat is reduced, making your muscles look more defined. The increase in muscle definition is responsible for the lean and chiseled look associated with calisthenics.  Due to the highly intense…

The Top 4 Best Health Benefits From Calisthenics Exercise

The Top 4 Best Health Benefits From Calisthenics Exercise

Calisthenics training is one of the best activities to improve and maintain a healthy, strong body. For example, calisthenics provides many health benefits, such as burning lots of fat, making you stronger and improving the mobility in your joints. The wide range of exercises in training calisthenics can target different muscle groups and individualize your…