How To Weight Train In A Remote Location

How To Weight Train In A Remote Location

Remote locations, such as snowy, rocky, or forestry, are filled with naturally heavy items that can be lifted, pulled, or pushed to form resistance and build muscle. Unlike dumbbells, naturally sourced items require creative thinking and hands-on designing to optimize their use as a piece of gym equipment. Depending on where you live influences what…

Why Everyone Loves Calisthenics

Why Everyone Loves Calisthenics

Calisthenics is widely loved because the training method supports a modern lifestyle and allows individuals to incorporate exercise into their day effortlessly. The ability to exercise from home, achieve a ripped body, and speed up your metabolism has attracted fitness lovers and beginners to train in calisthenics to complement modern daily habits. Calisthenics helps assist…

How Social Media Has Boosted Interest In Fitness

How Social Media Has Boosted Interest In Fitness

Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, or TikTok – whatever platform you use, there is access to view everything, anywhere in the world. If your algorithm has picked up a general interest in sports or you follow fitness-related influencers, you will get recommended related content. Social media has increased interest in activity because it allows anyone to document…

Do Clap Push-Ups Damage Wrists

Do Clap Push-Ups Damage Wrists

A clap push-up (with incorrect form) builds excessive pressure within your wrists, causing pain and discomfort. Without rest and correcting techniques, this can lead to severe injuries, like fractured wrists, and have long-term negative health effects. Athletes frequently injure themselves when they land back on the ground. At this point, your wrists are exposed to…

Is Calisthenics And Gymnastics The Same Thing?

Is Calisthenics And Gymnastics The Same Thing?

No, calisthenics and gymnastics are two different activities. Gymnastics is a sport, whereas calisthenics is a method of training. While they share movements (handstand push-ups, front lever, plank, or human flag), a gymnast will apply it in a much more technical and advanced manner to impress a judge. The aim of calisthenics is to use…

Can Calisthenics Boost Testosterone

Can Calisthenics Boost Testosterone

Different training methods will impact the testosterone levels produced. Some won’t boost testosterone at all, while some increase levels more than other training methods.  Calisthenics increases the levels of testosterone produced. Testosterone is made the most during resistance and intense related exercises – of which calisthenics uses body weight as resistance and is a form…

Can You Teach Yourself Calisthenics

Can You Teach Yourself Calisthenics

It is possible to teach yourself calisthenics – at a high skill level too. Many beginners are self-taught and have no help besides their own research. The fundamentals of calisthenics means anyone can get started – you don’t need loads of equipment, experience, or a personal trainer. Instead, you only require your body and brain!…