Can You Train Calisthenics In The Winter

Can You Train Calisthenics In The Winter

Blue skies, sunny weather, and humid air… unfortunately, we aren’t all blessed to have this weather all year around. But what does this mean for our calisthenics training? Yes, calisthenics can be practiced in all seasons, including winter, as long as you make safe and sensible changes to your workout plan. These changes could include…

Is Calisthenics Good For Basketball

Is Calisthenics Good For Basketball

Simply put, yes, calisthenics does benefit basketball. The explosiveness players need to dunk, lay up, and block can be derived from calisthenics. In addition, players gain an increase in mobility, muscle endurance, and relative strength, all of which help on-court – be dribbling or marking. So, why is it even up to debate? Well, it’s…

Swimming And Calisthenics – The Perfect Match?

Swimming And Calisthenics – The Perfect Match?

Would you ever think swimming could help calisthenics? Well, from two individuals experienced in both realms, we recommend participating in one if you exercise the other. Not only does it elevate your techniques, but juggling both workouts accelerates the rate you progress. So, is swimming a calisthenics activity? No, swimming is not a form of…

Why You Can’t Muscle-Up – 7 Common Mistakes

Why You Can’t Muscle-Up – 7 Common Mistakes

-Even with a sufficient strength-to-weight ratio, you can still struggle to muscle-up if you don’t have the technique nailed on the head. It tends to be slight tweaks individuals need to make to perfect their form. There are repetitive inaccuracies beginners make when learning muscle-ups that they are unaware of. These are: The Main Reason…

Why People Are Naturally Good At Calisthenics

Why People Are Naturally Good At Calisthenics

Specific genetic traits (such as metabolism speed or relative strength) set beginner calisthenics athletes ahead of experienced ones due to their higher capability to lift their body weight. As a result, less effort is required to reach a certain standard, and a higher skill level can be maintained without persistent training.  How Gender Affects Calisthenics…

How To Find A Calisthenics Park Near You

How To Find A Calisthenics Park Near You

Calisthenics parks are commonly found outdoors on public land (built on grass, sand, bark, or concrete). They share space with other government-funded facilities, so they’re in close proximity to social housing and community centers.  If you are struggling to find one near you, below are insights into the typical location of calisthenics parks. What Are…

What Gear Should You Bring To A Calisthenics Park

What Gear Should You Bring To A Calisthenics Park

Outdoor calisthenics parks contain solid bars, benches, and climbing walls, that enable a thorough workout if you bring the right equipment. These include: Unlike other training methods, you can find a place to train calisthenics for free outdoors. This is because it utilizes bodyweight – so there isn’t a need to employ complex equipment. The…

Where Are The Best Resources To Teach Yourself Calisthenics

Where Are The Best Resources To Teach Yourself Calisthenics

Everybody learns; differently; some prefer reading, while others enjoy videos. Nonetheless, to teach yourself calisthenics, you must source information to educate yourself and eventually put the theory into practice. These are the best resources for finding information on calisthenics:  How To Use Youtube To Learn Calisthenics There are around 300,000 videos uploaded to youtube daily,…

5 Best Bodyweight Exercises To Boost Testosterone Production

5 Best Bodyweight Exercises To Boost Testosterone Production

To make the most from a calisthenics workout, you want to perform exercises that use your full body weight as resistance. By doing this, you are maximizing the weight you’re lifting, which will boost testosterone production as much as possible. Five of the best exercises you can do are listed below.  Why Pull-Ups Boost Testosterone…