How Long Does It Take To Master Calisthenics

How Long Does It Take To Master Calisthenics

Calisthenics isn’t something you master overnight. Like everything valuable, blood, sweat, and tears are put into it, but more importantly, it takes time to achieve proficiency. How long exactly though? When it comes to calisthenics, it will take you at least 3 years of consistent and effective training to become a ‘master.’ This is assuming…

Can You Train Calisthenics Everyday

Can You Train Calisthenics Everyday

Top-tier athletes don’t worry about not participating in enough training; they actually have concerns about overtraining. In the world of calisthenics, is this a real threat to gains? Let’s discuss… Whether it’s safe or not to train calisthenics daily depends on the intensity of each session. Training calisthenics daily is fine if you do a…

What’s The Best Body Type For Calisthenics

What’s The Best Body Type For Calisthenics

Some athletes have certain body types that gel well with calisthenics, while others don’t. While consistent training will change this over time, it makes some beginners naturally better than others. So, what is the best body type? A mesomorph body type is supreme to calisthenics; naturally, having broad shoulders, a thin waist, and a moderate…

Calisthenics Versus Bodybuilders – Who’s Stronger

Calisthenics Versus Bodybuilders – Who’s Stronger

We commonly see people saying, “This question has gone on for decades.” If this is true, why hasn’t anyone answered it thoroughly? Well, that’s what we aim to get across to you in this article. Training calisthenics gets you relatively stronger, whereas bodybuilding increases your absolute strength. This means calisthenics athletes have a better strength-to-weight…

How To Train Legs With Calisthenics

How To Train Legs With Calisthenics

Huge legs and calisthenics aren’t usually considered to be in the same category. How wrong this is. Strong legs are what separates a professional calisthenics athlete from an intermediate. To train your legs with calisthenics, you must use the weight of your upper body as a resistance against leg muscle. This involves exercises such as…

Is Calisthenics Good For The Elderly

Is Calisthenics Good For The Elderly

Do the implications of calisthenics concern you or a loved one? Well, you are never too old to exercise – even including calisthenics… Calisthenics is one of the most effective training methods for senior athletes. As it’s full of bodyweight exercises, it promotes joint mobility, muscle flexibility, and relative strength – all of which support…

Calisthenics And Parkour – How Similar Are They

Calisthenics And Parkour – How Similar Are They

Both calisthenics and parkour are street workouts where athletes use body weight to navigate their way around a surface – be it a bar, elevated ground or the floor. Training one helps the other because both require massive amounts of flexibility, relative strength, and balance. Sounds like different names for the same sport, right? Not…