How Long Does It (Really) Take To Muscle-Up

How Long Does It (Really) Take To Muscle-Up

Across the internet, there are fitness gurus claiming they can teach you to muscle-up in 24 hours. And while it sounds fantastic, it simply isn’t realistic. The muscle-up is the gateway exercise to being a calisthenics expert, but it takes time to earn this title. So, to better inform our audience, we have collected data…

Do Calisthenics Athletes Take Steroids

Do Calisthenics Athletes Take Steroids

It’s no secret that individuals take performance-enhancing drugs, like steroids, to improve their game. But, it’s different in calisthenics. Nearly nobody takes them. Here’s why… It’s extremely rare for calisthenics athletes to take steroids. In fact, there’s been nothing published about steroid usage in a competitive environment. Even when you take a look at professionals,…

Should You Do Pull-Ups Until Failure

Should You Do Pull-Ups Until Failure

Training until failure is our favorite way to rep our exercises. We recommend it for nearly all bodyweight exercises, but especially pull-ups. Here’s why: Repping pull-ups until failure is a must-do. Out of all bodyweight exercises, it’s the most rewarding and effective way to improve explosiveness and build muscular endurance. As a result, you can…

Neutral Grip Pull-Ups – Most Asked Questions

Neutral Grip Pull-Ups – Most Asked Questions

In the fitness industry, the neutral grip pull-up is a dark horse. Most athletes jump straight onto a traditional pull-up (pronated grip) or a chin-up (supinated grip) without even considering the neutral grip pull-up. Despite this, they still stand as one of the most effective grips. Also known as swiss or hammer grip, the neutral…

Does Calisthenics Increase Stamina

Does Calisthenics Increase Stamina

Calisthenics is resistance training. It’s also anaerobic training. Wait, it’s also strength training! What if we told you it was also endurance training… Yes, calisthenics is super effective for increasing stamina. In particular, any activity that requires upper body endurance benefits massively from calisthenics training as it improves muscle endurance in your arms, back, and…

Making Money And Calisthenics – A Detailed Breakdown

Making Money And Calisthenics – A Detailed Breakdown

Calisthenics is increasing in popularity as a training method. Therefore, it’s no surprise athletes want to find career routes and side hustles to make money with it. As a team of experienced athletes, we’ll detail exactly how we monetize calisthenics and what you can do to get started… What’s A Calisthenics Athlete’s Salary Let’s get…