Can You Teach Yourself Calisthenics

It is possible to teach yourself calisthenics – at a high skill level too. Many beginners are self-taught and have no help besides their own research. The fundamentals of calisthenics means anyone can get started – you don’t need loads of equipment, experience, or a personal trainer. Instead, you only require your body and brain!

Professional athletes can unintentionally make calisthenics look so complicated and complex. Tricks such as the Two-Finger Handstands, The Human Flag, or the Nakayama Planche are some of the most impressive moves, but for beginners, it may seem intimidating. As a result, beginners feel they need personal instructors, fitness programs, and a grand gym to learn all these tricks – but this isn’t the case.

It’s worth considering calisthenics is a journey over a sprint, and the ability to do fancy tricks comes with years of practice. Nonetheless, it is possible to walk this path alone, so the only person who can stop you, is you! 

What Is Considered Teaching Yourself Calisthenics

The whole concept of self-made man, or woman, is a myth” – Arnold Schwarzenegger quoted in one of his many famous speeches. So when we say can you learn calisthenics by yourself, do we truly mean no help at all? 

Absolutely not. To say you could would be ignorant. Instead, we are suggesting you can learn a tremendous amount of calisthenics knowledge without the need or approval of anybody else. This means everything you want and don’t want to learn is in your control. For example you:

  • Decide when you do and don’t want to train.
  • Spend as much or little money as you feel comfortable with.
  • Go into as much or as little detail as you require.
  • Stop and start whenever you want.

Teaching calisthenics yourself still includes watching online tutorial videos, using training programs, asking an experienced athlete for help, or getting support from your loved ones. 

How Easy Is It To Learn Calisthenics Yourself

From a beginner’s point of view, calisthenics can be picked up a lot quicker than other training methods. Moreover, it requires no upfront costs, and you can most likely begin today!

  • Firstly, to start calisthenics, there is no equipment needed. As it uses bodyweight exercise, you won’t need to invest in any extra weights, special clothing, or memberships. The chances are you could start push-ups if you’re in a room now! Having a low barrier to entry allows you to start learning instantly.

  • Secondly, calisthenics has a low risk of injury. As a result, it’s relatively safe to learn calisthenics yourself, and you don’t have to be reliant on the support of someone else. Therefore you can exercise at a time and location convenient to you. 

  • Thirdly, there is a significant amount of calisthenics content available online, providing tutorials and information at all skill levels. It ranges from press-up tutorials to a reverse-gripped back lever tutorial. You can go from beginner to expert using online videos and articles and then put them into practice.

To find out more on where to find resources that teach you calisthenics, click here.

Common Challenges Faced When Learning Calisthenics

Calisthenics may seem challenging for beginners with low fitness levels and high body weight.

  • If you are new to exercise, your relative strength will be low, and calisthenics is dependent on it being high. Unlike other forms of training, such as weight training, where beginners can start on low weights and progressively build it up, individuals must start at their current body weight – and if heavy, could see struggle. 

  • Experienced calisthenics athletes can struggle learning new tricks and holds. The most complicated moves, such as a two-finger handstand, could take months of practice for experts. This is because athletes must improve on all components of fitness, such as balance, coordination, and flexibility, as well as strength. 

Is It Better To Teach Yourself Calisthenics At Home Or At A Gym

Calisthenics can be exercised anywhere, but most will learn either at their home or gym. Depending on the athlete will depend on what environment they work best in, but below are some points you should consider. 

Advantages Of Being At HomeDisadvantages Of Being At Home
Good service to research calisthenics on the internet.Difficult to ask questions or get feedback if you live by yourself.
You are by yourself, reducing any potential anxiety or embarrassment.Lack of equipment could restrict workouts.
Lack of gym equipment may inspire creativity.No opportunity to make new friends. 
Advantages Of Going GymDisadvantages Of Going Gym
Individuals can get support and ask for help.Reliant on opening times.
Change of environment may help motivation. Private gyms will charge a membership fee.
Meet new people and make friends.Could be busy and have to wait to use the equipment.

Conclusion On Teaching Yourself Calisthenics

Overall, calisthenics is one of the more straightforward training methods you can learn yourself. This isn’t to say it’s an easy workout, but instead can be picked up and practiced quicker and more frequently than other forms of exercise. However, if you’re finding it too simple to learn, there are various tricks, holds, and exercise games that are sure to challenge you – at all levels of skill.

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