Can Calisthenics Boost Testosterone

Different training methods will impact the testosterone levels produced. Some won’t boost testosterone at all, while some increase levels more than other training methods. 

Calisthenics increases the levels of testosterone produced. Testosterone is made the most during resistance and intense related exercises – of which calisthenics uses body weight as resistance and is a form of a HITT exercise. The boost lasts between 15 minutes and 1 hour after exercise, but by staying consistent, there will be a permanent increase in testosterone levels. 

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is commonly referred to as the sex hormone in men, though it is found in everyone in different quantities.  Male production is in the testicles, while females produce testosterone in the ovaries (along with estrogen). 

All humans need testosterone to regulate a variety of vital body functions; things like muscle mass, facial & body hair, and libido depend on the testosterone levels you have. As well as that other functions include: 

  • Dictating mood.
  • Regulating bone density.
  • Maintaining concentration.
  • Distributing fat.

Peak male testosterone production is during puberty, during the teenage years. You can indicate it through pubic hair growth, a deeper voice, and broader shoulders. However, testosterone levels won’t remain this high, and most males will begin to see a decline in testosterone in their 40’s – at around a 1% drop each year. 

According to Forbes article, you’re not the man your father was, research has shown testosterone levels have been lowering over the last few years. While this trend is worrying, eating healthy, exercising well, and sleeping well will all help to boost testosterone production

How Calisthenics Increase Testosterone Production

Testosterone is a byproduct of a stimulus, and when you exercise, your body reacts by secreting testosterone. Poduction is at the highest rate during intense activities and weight training.

  • Calisthenics is a very intense activity – huge bursts of energy are released over short periods causing high heart rates. Research suggests that it’s these times when testosterone production is at its highest. This is why it’s best to keep your calisthenics short and sweet (if you want to get the most out of testosterone production). 

  • As well as high-intensity exercise, testosterone production is encouraged through weight training too. Many think this doesn’t apply to calisthenics, but it isn’t the case. Calisthenics is a form of weight training because it uses body weight as resistance. For example, a 160lb individual performing a chin-up will lift 160lb.

As well as training calisthenics, you can increase the rate of production through a variety of tricks like:

  • Minimise rest periods – still ensuring being safe. 
  • If sensible, use weighted vests
  • Avoid low intense exercises.
  • Focus on isolating muscle groups in each exercise (achieved through a proper form). 

How Effective Is Calisthenics At Boosting Testosterone Levels

While calisthenics ticks both weight and intense training boxes, it isn’t the most effective training method to increase testosterone levels. 

Calisthenics uses bodyweight training, so many repetitions are needed before you break a sweat because you lift what is proportionally equal to your muscles. However, evidence suggests working out with low reps, and high weight increases testosterone production more than performing lots of reps at body weight. 

Therefore weight training with dumbbells and plates is better at increasing testosterone levels than calisthenics. 

You may find that testosterone production plateaus the more fit you get. This is because your muscles become conditioned to the high intensity of calisthenics. To overcome this, participating in plyometric or HITT training can be a great alternative to increase the intensity of your workout. 

Do Professional Athletes Have High Levels Of Testosterone

Not all professional athletes have high levels of testosterone. This is because it’s impacted by various factors other than exercise. To name a few: 

  • Gender.
  • Age.
  • Diet.
  • Type of Training method.
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Gender: Women produce testosterone too. However, they produce it in lower quantities than males. Therefore many professional woman athletes have lower testosterone levels than average males.  

Age: Testosterone levels peak during the late teenage/ early twenties. As a result, professional athletes with a mature age may have less testosterone than younger ones.

Diet: Processed foods with high fat and sugar levels decrease testosterone levels and impair reproductive performance in humans and animals. Therefore, a professional athlete with a poor diet may have lower levels of testosterone than a healthy individual.

Training method: Activities that promote muscle building typically result in greater testosterone production than activities promoting endurance. For example, weight training will result in greater testosterone production than cycling.

Summary Of The Link Between Testosterone And Calisthenics

Overall, you do produce testosterone from calisthenics due to body weight resistance and the high intensity. However, it isn’t the most effective training method, and you’re much better off trying weight training or HITT if your primary goal is increasing testosterone.

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