5 Best Bodyweight Exercises To Boost Testosterone Production

To make the most from a calisthenics workout, you want to perform exercises that use your full body weight as resistance. By doing this, you are maximizing the weight you’re lifting, which will boost testosterone production as much as possible. Five of the best exercises you can do are listed below. 

Why Pull-Ups Boost Testosterone

A pull/up or chin up is one of the best ways to use your body weight as resistance.

To perform one, grip your hands around the bar. The bar should be tall enough, so your feet dangle and aren’t dragging across the floor. At this point, you should lift yourself, so your chin is raised over the bar. 

How Push-Ups Release Testosterone

To start a push ups, get down on all fours and rest your palms just wider than shoulder-width. Ensuring your legs and back are straight, bend your elbows to lower your chest towards the floor. Just before reaching the ground, hold, then push yourself back up.   

Why Squats Produce Testosterone

Squats are excellent for building muscles in the legs. While they can be performed with added weight, using your body weight is adequate for beginners.

To start, stand shoulder width apart with your toes facing forward. Then push out your hips and begin to bend your knees into a squatting position.

Slowly move your bottom towards the ground until your hip joint is lower than your knees – at which point, stand back up. 

How A Box Jump Will Increase Testosterone Levels

Box jumps are exactly as described – jumping on a box.

Start by facing the box with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Then propel yourself into a jump using your feet and swinging your arms so that you land on the top of the box.

The box height will depend on your vertical jump and your height – you should find a balance between it being challenging and too easy.  

Why Sprinting is Great To Increase Testosterone

Sprints are another short and intense exercise that is great at boosting testosterone.

To maximize production, ensure each sprint exerts your full amount of energy. Due to the high levels of intensity, it’s imperative you warm up and cool down to prevent injury. 

With all the exercises above, you should appreciate the fact that the more you practice, the easier each exercise becomes and, thus, less intense and muscle-demanding.

Over time, you may want to consider adding extra weights to encourage testosterone production –  but then it’s questionable if it is deemed to be calisthenics or not. 

How To Increase Testosterone Naturally

Apart from exercise, there are other ways to increase testosterone levels. Living a healthy, balanced lifestyle will take testosterone production to the optimal level. These include:

  • Having a nutritional and balanced diet. 
  • Getting plenty of sleep – usually around 8 hours each night.
  • Reducing stress – this could be through meditation, walks, or talking with your friends.
  • Avoiding drugs and alcohol abuse.

When testosterone production is optimal, your body won’t benefit from anymore. However, some individuals still try to boost their testosterone in unnatural ways, such as pills, drugs, or injections. These are extremely unhealthy and have decrementing long-term effects. As well as risking your health, it can also have the opposite effect you intend it for. 

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